Enough already? How much more can be said about it? That which is. I suppose, DUH! It’s obvious. So then, what else?
Is that how all this got started? It’s not separate. Merely a continuation. Why does this one feel so close? This one wanted to see the unfolding; the start of rebirth. All she knows will pass away. What is this story for? Why all this drama?
Karma - Evolution. It is all just a story. How are you telling it? I am living - not living in the story. I am the story. The story is living me. Can you see? Make sense of this dream?
The mind can’t tell the whole story it doesn’t know so it’s always frightened building up compounds and bunkers and reserves and complex logarithms it’s crazy then it tries to make you think you’re crazy simply cuz you won’t take its medicine isn’t that the very definition of gaslighting? tortured? I call this freedom of information freedom to know and not know to see far into the future from the past and now - still there is only a snippet you can see only a toenail of the vast old beast really you know not a thing