What if I were in love with you? What inside your world would it change? Because for me, it gives such a different view.
For me, you make appearances when I sleep, and I don’t know if it’s my imagination or if it’s you trying to speak.
I know that you live just down the street- you probably never even think about it, but I always wonder whether we’ll meet.
So, what if I were in love with you? It might explain why you’re always inside my mind. Why you seem to be lost in there- stuck in a maze, or you were leaving it but left something behind.
I know that right now you’re with someone; with someone who’s kind. You seem really happy. I know that love like that can be hard to find.
So, what if I were in love with you? There is nothing for me to do- I’m embarrassed enough and I’m tormented, too.