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Jun 2021
The branches are expanded with the green leaf
As a result of the advance rain
The heated surface has become cold
Because of the early drizzle.

Joined to come at an inopportune time
The hail storm
Lightning raises fears among farmers
The tin made rooftop is shaky in the wind.

The mango branch is shaking
The pods are falling prematurely
In this imbalance of the environment
What's in the fortune!

It is swaying in the swing of hope
For peasants and their wives
Although in advance crop damage
Giving a sign of danger.

Still, let it rain
Fill the nature vividly
Let the planet be greener
Green fill up all around.
Early rain is always good for the nature,
but sometimes it brings storm too, which
becomes dangerous to the farmers of Greater Bengal.
Hakikur Rahman
Written by
Hakikur Rahman  62/M/Portugal
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