I wish I could accurately explain why My voice is telling you goodbye But it is hard to put into words how I feel Other than that I need time to heal Our time together is a terrific distraction But I can't depend on you for satisfaction I need to make myself happy on my own And until I do I have to be alone Otherwise I am putting off inevitable pain You are not an umbrella to shelter me from rain I refuse to use you as a tool Taking advantage of someone is just plain cruel You deserve more than someone just biding time Because you are more than good You're positively sublime It was never my intention to bring your eyes to tears Just to avoid manifestation of my fears It will only hurt more the longer we wait No way to escape our inevitable fate It is not that you are doing anything wrong I just don't feel comfortable stringing you along And if I know I don't feel the same as you do It is wrong to keep giving that impression to you Obviously there is something wrong with my heart It was stupid of me to even start When I am constantly haunted by the past It freaks me out we are moving so fast You said you can be patient and progress at my pace Yet every free moment is spent at your place Your actions don't match the words you said I don't want to take up that much room in your head You are better off without me that is clear to see No matter how much you are inclined to disagree This is for both our sakes which in the future you will learn You give me everything I couldn't possibly return