Darkness falls upon the land the time is finally here Chirps now belong to crickets And blind birdlike beasts appear A couple bound by cobweb shackles Bathe in nighttime’s crooked smile Whilst weaving in the shadows The captors wait a while Sounds of leaves from dying limbs Dance deftly on the midnight breeze No life within their brittle veins Forever strangers from their trees Natures waning lunar grin Is concealed behind a haloed cloud. Who knows what sins that it commits Behind its wispy shroud? Stars look down intently With sinister twinkles in their eyes Spies that stalk the witching hour Corrupting faultless skies An owl perches on a twisted giant Whose Wooden arms stretch out It searches with its focussed gaze For creatures scurrying about Whilst The shielded hedgehog wanders Foraging the ground It’s weapons at the ready For any predators around minions retreat to their houses And with a final smirk Nights guardian begins to fade And the sun begins it’s work