Brides of whitest, delicate lace, Gowns immaculate, as snow their face Softest pink, a blush to embrace, Rose, as rising sun to race
Sheets of white, 'candescent as moonlight, Waves of coral, leaves and floral, Rows of candle, as calcic stalagmite, Mauves 'n violet as wild wood sorrel.
So yon maidens of sweetest spring Herald the Queen Summer's oncoming Her nectarous drupe and fruit offspring The bountiful boon she will bring.
Behold the language of your Beloved Speaks in tongues of secrets vivid Of kindness, giving, eternally sipid Of warmth and fire, of ardour vivid
So when next you spy the verdant maidens Bedecked finery, blossoms laden, Whispering, bowing, to one cadence, Know you see the One true Haven.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge #verdant