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Mar 2021
No. I refuse to let the darkness and futility break me.
I am going to be kind, even though it doesn’t seem to do anything.
I am going to be happy, even though I have no reason to.
Hope is spitting in the face of the world and saying I am not going to let you break me and grinning at it through your bleeding face viciously spitefully victoriously alive.
Do not say I am kind because of my sorrows, for that is false.
Do not say I am kind because I am weak, for that is the polar opposite of correct.
I am kind because I choose to be, and I am smart enough and strong enough to know that just because I may have an excuse to be cruel does not mean I am allowed to be.
Written by
just-a-little-bird  Gender Questioning/Lost in a daydream
(Gender Questioning/Lost in a daydream)   
       Loveless, Imran Islam, ---, Melanii and ap
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