I miss my old hair clippers I had them since before I got sober. at the rehab near Philly, I would trade rollies for head shaves until I learned that I could shave my own head without a mirror. that was ok with me, I saved on tobacco but I still had my cup and bowl out. like an anchorite begging for alms by the road side. some 3000 shaves of the head later and I don’t need a mirror for much anymore. I set the old clippers aside and I don't know where they went to.
When I wake up the sun is going down. I do my shopping beneath the cold chalice of the moonlight, cold glistening, somehow still reflecting of the Sun even though I said goodbye from my window to the early evening dawn 9 hours before the burning of the midnight oil. I chant and ring my bells so I don’t drift back to sleep. but I can still smell sulfur so I Aum and pray and ring the bells a little louder.
I found God on the carpet once. It only took me 14 hours to pick through every crystalline crumb that glistened in the kitchen light. the next morning I had a half soup spoon full of the Almighty but the hook and the plunger swallowed Him whole and with haste turned me back to dust.
sometimes I’ll make a to-do list with every strike of the pen another performance for the bushels and the bones, I like grocery shopping at night. normally there are only a few souls and old drifters wandering about and they usually keep their eyes pointed down. sometimes I practice small talk with the clerk, endeavoring to exchange appropriate amounts of eye contact throughout. personalities and performances and I am so tired of caring.
when I’m waking up the sun is going down but monica gave me a hand full of vitamin D and a fire in the hearth and sometimes the world Is like a seven pointed centrifuge. the heavy particles are all hitting the chalice walls and I’m spinning so fast all I can do is look up and breathe.
The swallows are singing swooping for the Black Madonna and the Popes of the white smoke.
God jumps from the sky to the spoon to the corkscrew and L/L research put up a new tweet: more from Hatonn about the bitter wine, and this being quite a dense illusion for the thickness of the veiling, and the chakras being tuned like strings on a harp to be plucked by the Hands of the Creator.
This isn’t the density of knowing as faith is the evidence for things unseen. I’m still half blind but I can hear them chanting and I’m just this side of single pointed thought but facebook keeps breaking my ****** attention. so I stand here awoken to the sun going down over the highway and the snakes winding up my spine and a mouth full of Vitamin D.