credit is due, years go by & through the grace of whatever god takes credit for my levels of super intelligence, imagination takes me far to distant worlds. - charge your chakras & your crystals by the light, feed your shadows in the darkness of the neigh drawing near to your sun sign. & sunshine will forever bring you purity. - how long is forever? what tools do you measure? what jewels do you treasure in your chest? near your heart source, atleast try to keep your heart pure, atleast the reward is much greater than the process. - lets try to measure progress by visual appearance, find yourself in midst of forest, seeking clarity & clearance or your presence or your pretence becomes you. - or your visuals become you like your tongue is heavy & hold weight, like whatever you say must pass through pop filters, & your sway is a simple dance to your own beat. - what level of comprehension? how might you even see from the outside looking in? remember, judgement falls back onto the same soil.