It was funny how Before her summer of fourteen Her life became A longing dream Small waist, Big hips, Double Ds, Thigh gap, An hourglass. E, t, c. This was her list and the time, Time Tick--- Tick--- Ticked away like grains of sand and salt The scale reads one five zero.
She had a Banana for breakfast, just one: Yellow and clammy, The way her skin had become and yet it was Cool and smooth to the touch. Milky. Like that dancer's dying eyes After the teacher had told her to drop a few pounds. Well, now she hangs a few pounds. Just for a few pounds. Toes pointed perfectly.
Do you like How she floats now? Are her little freckled arms Light at her sides now? Angelic, you wanted, and angel you now have. Held up by a halo of rope around her 14-year-old throat.
I hope you still get a chance to watch her dance from hell.