The vibration of the bus and the sun shining on my arm felt good I couldn’t help but feel a dislike for myself despite it. As I looked out the ***** bus window I saw the Sun kissed water and the deep green trees so far away. It was beautiful in this moment untouched. I wanted to feel it.
Brought back by the ripples trailing a speedboat. The water cut with the deep blades of human interference. The ripples spreading magnificently one after one after one unwavering Its shine distracting from the impact on the deep calm waters.
I felt the pain of the water. I felt the dislike of myself for the impact I have. I felt guilty for wanting to touch the untouched. Who am I to touch?
Everyone needs their piece. The piers, the boats, the yards, the perfectly developed plots in which to raise their families and plant their non-native gardens.
Violently pull their roots , so we can plant ours.
Unwilling to change ourselves to see ourselves to reflect on our touch On our impact
The giving tree can only give so much, and it will never be enough.
I wrote this on my iPhone drinking out of a plastic bottle riding on a bus.
Named after the engraving on the bridge I was crossing when I looked out the window.