I will not repent My daily sins To an antiquated verse Or bind myself To a definition I do not acknowledge To be a sinner, as you say To be the villain Before I have my own story To wear guilt and shame As constant wardrobe I donβt buy it Give me my flaws,faults And misdeeds Tattoo them to my skin I will build an epic origin tale Layers upon my body Until my soul bleeds And the words from my mouth Will be sonnets for misfits Gathering into bonfires My smirk, dancing sparks And trouble, a forte To be sinner, as you say And plaster your prayers As hollow blessings To cure me To iron out my wrinkles Tuck me safely into a social norm I don't buy it Fray the edges Pull myself off the frame Not all butterflies will be pinned Pluck the pins of expectations Use those antiquated words To set fire To every criticism you used To create this prison Repent, you say For being myself And I will tell you no