woman you are more than every "no" every interruption every door that's ever been slammed in your hopeful & determined face
you are more than arbitrary numbers on clothing tags the weight of your muscle and bone and counting calories until food becomes a source of shame rather than a source of energy
you are more than disney princess button noses anti-aging creams before bed and covering every single spot that made its way to your face by way of sun or oil
you are more than changing who you are to make others happy waiting up for a message that never comes and all of the excuses made by men who don't know how to keep their hands to themselves
you are more than all of the things this world throws back in your face when you give it your all and get nothing in return while a man gives nothing and the world falls at his feet
woman you are not bossy you are too emotional you are not less than
you are qualified you are compassionate you are strong and you are enough
no matter what this world built on the ideals of men tricks you into believing
you deserve a spot at the table you deserve to shatter the ceiling you deserve to break down doors and pave new roads
they will shout down at you from powerful pedestals and say you can't but woman, you can. and you will.