There is so much confusion Even when one stares Into a field But yet that much clarity As what is seen above us Performs a dance And clouds move as holograms That curate themselves Colored icing emerges from mixed figures
They are the hope In a faith that is not always visible The breadth in my heart without words to brace Or images to pray to Kneels behind shadows of ineffable affliction These feelings are not to be explored But they must be observed They must be heard in the midst of pain and horror for what we go through as human beings...
It emerges in my mind And hits my body in bursts As I dream past my days And try to breathe… that is justified When I interact with others It doesn’t always hurt But it causes the unknown to bring With it an Ease when I hear what they say If they mean it Less anxious.. That is.. and I believe them I want to trust in people I want to love, want to understand But often don't know The avenue that leads to Comprehending The desire to connect Is but a passage in time That only the images above can be content with The color of cells On a body of skin Akin to a body of water Melts over Me like a flaming candlestick in the dim
The flame uplifts with a strength stronger than the desire to know how.. or why...