Tree, your veins are in your earth my veins are inside me the years are old in you and your leaves are fresh you remind me of the tree part in my right foot My bedroom's in the bushy head in my mind in my solar brain, my ankle is the shoulder to the stumpy central branch of my leg heavy layers of red aged mountain, my earth is the most pages the place where nerve lines swim again young immortal creases through thousand piles a networking for only the soul, the mind, the heart geometric thoughts that string out the tongue making crosses between finished rock, hardness too late and fresh like skin I am more inner than stone, thinner, longer, loopier nerve lines tiny things turn into staffs in the air in my arms different than tree parts I am rimmed and mudding with water my rippling veins at the bottom of my foot, is the surface of my sea upside-down I bet you feel good I'm calling your earth the sky I am full of stuff, the way dirt packs together to create things without hands and your earth is where some of my veins should stand up too I am always alive like you the lines in the earth of me and my earth holding up the living wooden door standing from my ankle walking on the earth like my veins are not there like you stand on the earth like your veins aren't even there yet you are the earth, brown and green and you base the earth starry swimming in the deep black earth
Copyright Chelsea Palmer, Early Spring 2013, redone May 22