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Nov 2020
Now I Have To Say...
That In These Strange Days...
My Use of Wordplay...
Is In A RICH VEIN... !!!!!

From Reflecting On Things...
That Are Proving To STING... !!!

Like Corona Pain...
And Societal Strain...
Due To Deals About Trade...

To Election Campaigns...
And Debate TIRADES...
From Names Now Displayed...
That Seem To Have NO SHAME... !?!

There’s Much That INFLATES...
That DEFINE What’s POOR...
And That’s Fa’ SURE... !!!

From Provisions For...
... A Corona Cure...

To... Media Views...
That Seem Far From Shrewd... !!!

From These Journalists...
Who Lack Balance So Twist...
And Then FLIP Scripts...

To... Right Wing Fascists...
Whose Views Seem RACIST...
To These Centrist Leftists...
Who To Me Are Now Visceral...
Liberal... CRIMINALS... !!!

While Words I Use...
Are Those That Peruse...
Todays’ World Issues...
Without Getting Confused...

Like Those That Ensure...
That Tough Times Are In Store...
For The Poor And More... !!!

Because of Those...
... In The Commons...
And Those In The Lords...

Whose NONSENSE AIN’T Shocking...
To Me... Anymore... !!!

And As For Those ABROAD...
From... American Shores...

Their LACK of Thought...
And ABUSE of Laws...
Is A Thing SO POOR...
That They Shouldn’t Be Ignored... !!!

Because I Wouldn’t Advise...
Ignoring Their LIES And Political Ties...
In These Days And Times... !!!

From The Left To The Right...
Their Talk CONTRIVES...
To Feed Bias And PRIDE...

That Is POORLY Used...
To Keep People Confused... !!!

With... Election News...
And POOR Interviews...
From Political Crews...
Who Choose To Allude...

Or To... What’s IMPORTANT...
Like Being Straightforward... !!!

What They Do Is TORMENT...
The Truth To Feed Falseness...
In... What Their Reporting... !!!

So Proceed With CAUTION... !!!

Cos’ It’s A CIRCUS Show...
That... Constantly Flows...

That’s POOR Beyond Belief... !!!
When You Hear Most of Them Speak... !!!

These Media Teams...
That Are TRULY WEAK... !!!

It’s Like Watching A Scene...
From Some Kind Of Movie...
Where The News Is Just USED...

To Sensationalise And SKEW...
Somewhat Like... PREDATOR Two... !!!!!

I Guess It’s Nothing New...
From NBC To Fox News It’s TRUE... !!!

Their Crews Have Got More Letters...
Than These Alphabet Genders... !!!!!

And Their Crews Are Those...
Who Have Them As Presenters...
That’s Right Women And Fellas...
Who Are FUELLING Agendas... !!!!

That Try To Play BOTH Sides...
of What’s... Now In Sight...

... Political Fights...
Everyday And Every Night... !!!

While People Now DIE...
From... Corona Vibes... !!?!!

I Wonder Sometimes...
If What They CONTRIVE...
Is What They TRULY Believe...
Or Do They Just Deceive...
Every Time That They Speak... ?!?

There’s A Lot That WREAKS...
In Their Daily News Feeds... !!!

of... HYPOCRISY... !!!

That’s POOR And Sustains...
SO MUCH That Is LAME... !!!!!

That I’d Rather Not Name...
Those Now In The Frame...
of Today’s News Game... !!!

As They’ve Already Gained...
And... Rates of Pay... !!!
For Their POOR Displays...
of What They... “ CLAIM “...

To Be Reporting That’s Straight...
Or INFLATE What's FAKE... !!!

Well While They Play...
Their DODGY Games... !!!

I Stick To What’s RICH...
Wordplay Through Lyrics...
That... DO NOT SINK... !!!!!

Like... TITANIC Ships... !!!

That Now Seem To Exist...
In The Media Links...
That Are Now Being Shipped...
That Now Need To Be CURBED... !!!

Because They Seem To PERVERT...
Rather Than... OBSERVE...
... Engaging Brains...
With The Type of Thought Waves...

That Like This Piece...
of Big Virge Wordplay...

Are CLEARLY Those...
……….. of A ………..

...... “ RICH VEIN “..... !!!
This years election news, has truly been something to behold, and much like the first debate, has been far from great !
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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