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Oct 2020
Now When It Comes To...

.... “ My Life’s Story “....

It’s... NOT About Glory... !!!

Or Creating Fallacies...
About My History...

It’s NOT About Fantasies...
It Just Reflects... REALITY... !!!

About The Things I’ve Seen...
And The Places I Have Been...
And It CLEARLY Now Deals...
With My LOVE For POETRY... !!!

My Story’s Had MUCH Pain... !!!
As Well As... Happy Days...

I’ve Played Sports...
... Been In Courts...
And A WHOLE Lot More... !!!

It’s DEEPER Than Most Think... !!!
Because It Has Some Things...
That Some Would NOT Believe...
Have Been A Part of My Life...

That Have Made Me ANGRY...
But Have Also Made Me Smile...

From The Days When...
... As A CHILD...
I Told Some SILLY LIES... !!!

To These Days Where I Now Write...
What My Life’s TRUTH DEFINES... !!!!!

My Thinking That DEFIES...
The Vibes That DESTROY Lives... !!!

Cos’ I’m A... PEACEFUL Guy...
Who Has NO TIME For Racist Vibes... !!!

Or IGNORANCE That Rides...
With FOOLISH Acts of Pride... !?!

My Story Has Been NICE...
Just NOT... ALL of The Time... !!!

Because of VIOLENT Fights...
That Saw My Mother’s Eyes...
Be BLACKENED By The Guy....
Who Claimed Her For His Wife... !!!?!!!

Who Then...

Cheated And Resigned...
To Causing PAIN And STRIFE...
That Truly HURT Her Mind...
And BODY Til’ She CRIED...

Because She LOVED This Man...
Who Then Became My Dad...

But What Is REALLY SAD...
Is That When Things Turned BAD... !!!

My Father Turned His Back...
And Like A COWARD... RAN... !!!

AFTER He Had Made Attacks...
That Left Her Life RANSACKED... !!!

SCLEROSIS Then Began...
To Make Me Learn To STAND...
And YES Become A MAN...
Who Had To Then WITHSTAND...

The PRESSURES of What Came...
When SICKNESS Left Her LAME...
In Ways That RE-ARRANGED...
My Life Story’s... Range... !!!

NO ROVER But Much Colder...
Than Anybody’s SHOULDER... !!!!!!

I NEARLY Got Bowled Over... !!!
But Learned To Carry Boulders...

WhIle Peers of Mine...
Were Forming Their Lives...
With Children And Wives...

While I Had NO Time...
For Me To Build And Find...
A Woman Who Was Right...
Or A Wish To Have A Child...

Because I REALISED...

That I HAD To Do Right...
And Put ALL That Stuff Aside...
To Be By My Mothers Side...
And Make Sure She Was Alright... !!!

But When My Mother DIED...
She DIED Right In MY ARMS... !!!
But By Then I DIDN'T Cry...
Cos' I Found That I Was CALM...

Because I Felt That She...
Wouldn’t EVER WANT To SEE...

But It Was Time For Me...
To Find Some INNER PEACE...
And To... Live For ME...
And Try To Be Happy...

But... LUCKILY...
By The Time She Passed...
I Had Met Someone...
Who Began To Love...
The Man That I'd Become... !!!

For Her To SEE...
Was MY LIFE's Story... !!!

So To Her I Say...
What You Did For Me...

Even Though In The End...
It WASN'T Meant To Be...

But You Will ALWAYS BE...
... SPECIAL To Me... !!!

Because of The Way...

But Eventually I FOUND POETRY...
And Started To Write So FREQUENTLY...

That... Pieces Like THESE...
Were Things I Wrote DAILY... !!!

That Make Me PROUD... !!!

of The Way That I...
... Utilise MY MIND...
To Write Poetic Rhymes...
That Are SMART And TIGHT...

That Some Folks Find...
To Be The TRUTH Designed...
In... Lines Upon LINES...
That Come From My Mind... !!!

My Story Though...
Has Left Me... ALONE...
Because Creative Zones...
DON'T Allow For **’s...
Or... Allowing FOES...
To Get TOO CLOSE... !!!

Because My NEW HOME...
ISN’T Where I Was Born... !!!
I Left England To Go...
To Where Bajans' Roam...

Where My Parents Were Born...
Where I’ve Faced Some SCORN...
But Am NOT Forlorn... !!!

Because My Life Draws...
From A Strength of Thought...

That Will NOT ALLOW...
My Head To Go Down...
Because of The CLOWNS...
That Have Tried To Surround...

And To Make Me REACT...
Like Some IGNORANT Man... !!!

I’ve STUCK To My Guns...
Travelled Now And Had FUN...
And Made Creations...
Just Like THIS ONE... !!!

And Have Now Made Some...
Where Good Music Runs...
Alongside My Words And Poetic Verse...

But It’s Fair To Say...
That SUICIDAL Traits...
And Depressive Veins...
Have NEVER Really Been...
... That Far AWAY... !!!

But HEY That’s OKAY... !!!

Because I Have No Wish...
To Live... FOREVER... !!!

And DON’T Fear Death... !!!
Like A Lot of Heads Whose Stories END...
May Well Leave Them...
With A World of REGRETS... !!!

My Story REJECTS...
... REGRETTING Things... !!!

Because I’ve Had Women... !!!
Had... PLENTY of ***... !!!
And Have Lived A Full Life...

But Now My Fathers Life...
Has Now... FLATLINED...

... I Find That I...
Am In A Place of PEACE...

In These Corona Times...
Where Things Are Really CRAZY... ?!?

I Really Don’t Know...
Where My Life Will Now Go... ?!?
But Hope That ONE DAY...
I’ll Look Back And Say...

That I’m Proud of The Way...
That I’ve USE MY BRAIN...
To... MANAGE My Pain... !!!

And Have Used Poetry...
As A Way To BREATHE.......

That Has TRULY HELPED Me... !!!

To Now Be Able To Share...
............ Some of...........

“ My Life's Story “ …………
As the poem says folks !
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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