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Oct 2020
Ya' Know When I Was Young …
There Was A TV Show …
That Was Quite Fun …

Because It Took The Ride …
Through Famous Peoples' Lives …

The Show Was Called …

..... " This Is Your Life " …..

I Figure Some Fa' Sure … !!!
May Well of Been The Type …
Where Some Were SURPRISED … !!!
By The Sight of Some Eyes …
That Once Upon A Time …
They DID … " DESPISE " … !!!

But Because of PRIMETIME …
Everything Was ALL SMILES … !?!

See My Mind Sometimes …
Deviously Designs ….
These Sorts of Rhymes …

But Back To The Topic … !!!
Because It's NOT Microscopic … !!!!!!

In Fact I'd Say … TECTONIC...
In The Way Some Lives Now Move …
So … Could This Be YOU … ?!?

The … " Badbwoy Dude ! " …
Who … Runs The Block …
or YES … "The Corner" …
of … DANGER-FILLED Borders … !!!

Where Guns Are Cocked …
Cos' Man Get RUDE … !?!

NOT The Type of Rude …
Most Are Used To … !!!!!!

But The Type That PROVES...
That All's NOT GOOD …
Within Your Hood … !!!

Or Are You The HEAD …
With The Type of Complex …
That Makes You Feel...

And Constantly STRESS …
That You Make Deals …
Where Guns and BADNESS …
Are Your Daily Meal … ?!?

When In TRUTH Your Speeches …
LACK... Any Kind of REALNESS … !!!

Cos' Your Life's Design …
Is The WANNABE Type …
Where You Choose To Believe ….

YES … Your OWN HYPE … !?!

Until … REAL Gangsters … !!!
PROVE That You're A WANKSTER' … !!!
Because Your Lips May SINK Your Ship … !!!

Because of Talk About Things ….
That May Just Bring ….
Your Life To A HALT.
When You FEEL The STING … !!!

Or Are You The Guy … ?
With … Corporate Ties … ?

ALWAYS Looking FLY …
With Your TROPHY Wife... !!!

Family of..… FIVE …..
And Bits On The SIDE … !?!

Or Are You The Shy And LONELY Type …
Who Feels Like You DON'T Fit This life … ??!??

That's … MOST of us RIGHT … ?
... (Maybe That's just MINE !?!)...

For The People of the World To SEE ONLINE... !?!

So Are You The Type … ?
Who's LOSING Their Mind … !?!

HOW Do You KNOW … ?
Come OFF THAT Road … !!!

Don't WE ALL Have Times … ?
Where Things Feel Like …
They Just … " DON'T FIT" …
With How We Want To Live … !?!?!?!

Or Are You Inclined … ?
To Believe In … I …
Rather Than … We … ?!?

So Prefer To.............. Ostracise.....
Rather Than  Join Teams … ?

Who Is … ALL ABOUT ME  ... !!!!!
And Choose To Dine On Humanity... ?!?

If That's YOUR Life … ?
You Can KEEP It Alright … !!!

And I DON'T Have The Time...
To REALLY Tell You WHY … !!!

See I Was Just At Home Chillin' …
Trying To Get Some Shut Eye …

But Words Like These Kept Spinning... !!!!!!!!!
Where My Deepest Thoughts Reside … !!!

As If They NEEDED LIFE … !!!!!!
Which Made Me Sit And Write …

So Is …. " YOUR Life " …. ?
The Type That's Willing …
To DEDICATE Your Mind …
To Something So FULFILLING …
As Taking Time To WRITE …

Lyrics That KEEP SPILLING … !!!
From DEEP INSIDE Your Mind … ?!?

It Would Seem That Yeah... ?
I Am … THAT GUY … !!!!!

Who Writes Poems And Rhymes …
That Flow Like... Sands of Time...........................

To Share With Those Inclined …
To … Take The Time To Find …
The Things My Rhymes Enshrine …
Because of My Life's Design … !!!

See TRUTH Be Told …
As I Said Before …
I Was HAPPY At Home … !!!

…. Playing Music ….
But Then The Movement of My Thoughts...
Brought These Lyrics To The FORE...

So Now I DON'T KNOW … ?!?
How This Should END … ???

Okay … The SHOW … !!!
... That's Right … !!!

When You Take A Look Back …
At … Your Life's Track …

What Kind of Design ….  ?
Would TRULY Describe …
What Your Life's Been Like …

Through Words Like These …
Indeed ….. THESE FIVE ….. !!!!!

"Could This Be Your Life ?"
Life and how it can turn out, a subject worth writing about ......
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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