It’s strange to me, I wonder if you feel the same But when I sit back and ignore the pain I think to the future and what it will be I still always see you, right beside me
I’ve had this image for many years That hasn’t been washed out by all the tears Despite being apart and all the heartbreak I know when I see it, it’s no mistake
Your hand in mine as we travel the road The road unknown but with love its bestowed The path for us it's out in the distance I know we can get there with a little persistence
So with patience I wait for you to come around Because true love can’t be fully unwound It will always be there, like me waiting for you To come back to my arms and show you its true
My love for you and our souls intertwined That thing that most people only hope to find It’s not always clear, not always defined But you know how it feels with your hand in mine