bare feet on the asphalt empty cans clatter spray paint cans rattle running running running from everything we've done from our responsibilities from the inevitable from ourselves, mostly. ~ but never mind all that tonight there is just us heathens and the moon and aerosol colors in a can tonight we have a bone to pick with the universe for making us dysfunctional for building us broken ~ tonight we will love no matter the cost so what if we're hung is it really a loss? ~ "we" is just me and the echoes in my brain the reverberations of myself in a space once full of color left black and white ~ i will color it color it all shapes and colors no words no images just abstract emotions just me and memories of you ~ just me and a stranger where you used to be
you know, that empty space inside of me that nothing else can fill. the place filled by a stranger because not thinking about things is easier than thinking about them because not talking at all is easier than trying to figure out what to say