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Sep 2020
am I made of glass or not I  see no reflection
am I solid like the flower or just mere reflection

does my scent cling onto him each time I disappear
does my spirit glow, like the star's liquid reflection

what avenue should I take to get to his garden nook
what cupid will light my path as I trail his reflection

will I be bodacious and brave enough for his heart    
will I find his looking glass of twosome reflection

am I made of glass or not this remains to be seen
am I the cognate of his chamber's light reflection  

forfeit not love for sake of lust, mirror on the wall    
forfeit him not nor what you see in his reflection  

transparent as pixie dust and never made of glass  
transparent as the moonlight in his eye's reflection.

September 1, 2020
vienna bombardieri
Written by
vienna bombardieri  F/Canada
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