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Aug 2020
ChestNuts roesting on an open fire
Roesting over the flames of yuor forgoten love
Burnt too a Crisp (This is what they call Chips in Englis )

Mother's' love showed me the Love I needed from yuo
England they call them Crisps
Eating Chest Nuts is scrumptous
Training my ***** in the Art Of War
Hello my deer Freinds,
I am BACK after a businiss trip on which my beutiful ***** acopannied me to the wonderous country of England. I felt this trip was neccesary because my ***** were getting a little sad here in Frenso where they have lived there whole lives on my farm and never seen the Grand Wide World. However this trip took quiet a long time as ***** are not allowed on plaines and they had to journey to England by Scuttling, across the ocean floor. At last we were reuneted in the fine town of LiverPool. I chose this destination because ***** have Livers and live in Pools so I hoped they would feel at home. Thank yuo all for yuor continued support during this trying time and I hope yuo enjoy the Art that is born from being inspired bye a new Culture.
Crandall Branch
Written by
Crandall Branch  20/M/Frenso
   Imran Islam
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