everyone has gone back to suburbia, city streets are dangerous, if you look at someone cross eyed, it earns you death.
don’t celebrate this madness, mourn it in black, it has a taken a pandemic to school me again.
this a broadcast, shout out, email me if you know how I’m feeling and can share what other mutualities crisscross.
Do you like Jazz? Me neither. Flouncy bouncy dresses? Nah! Sweats? Unnecessary, I can sweat just by concentrating.
You like me, own soulful bluesy singers, femme fatales, who coax and croon, wet the spun threads of subtle emotive, who live by light of candles votive, I live in black, day and nighttime, write in midnight blue, a woman who! takes no b.s. and doesn’t ever take no for an answer...