Days spent with senseless nonsense, a series of moistened, immortal tears that slowly captured the face and its expanding remnants! If we are deceived in the immortal moments of the Universe, what: a dream-like vibration of an eternal kiss, gaze, lashes may have appeared, we have already buried ourselves: Our self-pity, our lust! "We flew away like weak-grained dust in the wind."
we could not see the intentions of our real emotions trapped, for we could not fly, and as a result we long ago crashed. We had to crumble the germs of our personality in the shoreless time! I watched enviously for a long time if you couldn’t be next to me with the fulfilling, immortal harmonies of hearts on exotic, coastal islands, and all the more awful it was pure,
to awaken to the Real with common sense: if I woke up the next day without you. to covet the trite secret of decline at such a young and young age, to deal with the emotions of others as a disposable cloth, and to live on life in hibernation and abandonment altogether — tangled in the dog-grip of anxiety.
There is a cure for the conscious pity that moves hearts, and perhaps there can still be, if the sea scatters pearls during the day, and the secrets of the sand would be guarded by the only s True secret of the footprints destined for the Universe: Love! -
and finally, like so much of everything, we put it in a bottle between the captivity of mortal beings! "No one can rise permanently to himself unless he finds a pair of faulty opposites!"