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Austin Morrison
Jul 2020
To The Girl I Will Love
To the girl, I will love
I'm sorry.
Yes, I am saying sorry before we are even together.
I'm sorry.
Because I know the future will be rough.
I'm sorry.
I am not perfect by any means, but I promise you I will try my best.
I'm sorry.
I may not be able to buy you diamonds for our anniversary, but I hope you like the smell of pancakes and breakfast in bed.
I'm sorry.
I will try, even if it leads to a mess. Like learning to bake. I will make mistakes, but I will learn.
I'm sorry.
It may not be amazing at first, but with time we can make something beautiful.
I'm sorry.
Because if I love you, it means I will do anything.
I'm sorry.
It means my world is now yours. And I will do everything in my power to keep the flowers blooming.
I'm sorry.
I will hold you above all, even when the weight of the world is crushing me.
I'm sorry.
I will sing to you, your favourite songs. Just to see your smile.
I'm sorry.
I will remind you how beautiful you are, even on the days, you feel at your worst.
I'm sorry.
I will learn about you. Soak in every random fact, like I am a sponge in a pool of your being.
I'm sorry.
I will understand you and know we may see things differently.
I'm sorry.
I will support and love you to the end, even if you decide to walk away.
But I am sorry.
I'm sorry I text too much.
I'm sorry I can be so clingy.
I'm sorry I can be to forward.
I'm sorry I have trust issues.
I'm sorry my mind tears it's self apart when I'm not with you.
I'm sorry my past abuse has to lead me to always assume the worst, to always expect the bad news first.
I'm sorry I'm used to being alone.
I'm sorry I feel like no one will ever love me back.
I'm sorry if I scare you.
I'm sorry.
Written by
Austin Morrison
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