I want to thank each one of you For reading all my rhymes I have 10,000 readers In only 6 months time
I appreciate all your words And the kindness of your hearts The sharing of this passion That some would call an art
I remember not to long ago I would throw these words away Thinking that this passion Was somehow just a faze
I want to give a special thanks To those who friended me You helped me tell my stories And you share this love with me
Carl Joseph Roberts
I wanted to just take a moment to thank you all. Your kindness has allowed me to share my heartache. Your words of encouragement helped heal my heart. Your poems inspired me to keep writing and posting. Many of your poems touched my inner soul. You helped me laugh, cry, and feel sorrow. You encouraged me to push forward in my writtings Your words and poems have inspired. I know that we may never meet in person There is however a bonding friendships that will last. Thank you for reading my poems I hope to have 10,000 more reads in the next 6 months. If however I only touch but one then this is worth it. A simple thank you my friends and fellow poets. ...Joe
Please Read over my work and honestly tell me what one touched you, made you think, laugh, cry or be happy.