i have always heard of aristophanes' story of soulmates be retold a bunch of times. the story always starts with humans originally having 4 legs, 4 arms, and a head with two faces. fearing the power they hold, zeus split them into two; condemning them to spend their lives finding their other halves.
i have always found it funny and fascinating. but i can't help but to think if the story is flawed?
because who's to say that there's only one person for me my whole life? who's to say that it can't take the form of a lover?
it can take place in the form of a friend that checks up on you at random it can take place in the form of a professor that helps you when you've been underperforming it can take place in the form of a parent that has always had your back throughout your years.
but why stop there? who's to say it had to be a person?
it can take place in the form of a sunny day where the sky is as clear as the ocean it can take place in the form of an object that has always brought you back to your comfort zone it can even take place in the form of a stray cat that is very playful to you everytime you pass by them
but again, i beg the question. who's to say aristophanes wasn't right? because maybe i am wrong
maybe, all this time, i just never met the right person
because i never met someone who was as calm as a bright, blue sky as playful and cheerful like a feral cat as warm and welcoming like a friend