Today i feel some pain, Because i have failed again.. Sadness is seeping into my heart, And minute by minute I Am falling apart.
My smile seems to be drooping down, All grins lost, now i am just left with a frown.
It is not that i failed, But that i have failed yet again. All the joy is now veiled, The smiles, how long can i feign?
Now, melancholy grips my soul, Will i ever be able to succeed There's this emptiness, when will i feel whole, To Nike, I plead.
The failure is disheartening, i don't want to try anymore Oh look my vision is darkening, My vigour to try again needs some time to restore.
To all the people who keep trying to become better, this is for you. It is okay. You can rest for a while. You don't have to continuously push yourselves.. Close your eyes, breathe a little and relax. You can always try again tomorrow.