The uncertain and finite circumstances are perhaps precisely because human consciousness offers us only alternatives, not just universal spontaneity, and connections! Once a single link, a bad idea, a fluctuating idea starts once, unconscious subconscious thought fluctuations,
restored deeds are determined by honest, common sense instead! "It happens," the Individual believes, "so Man alone," will be an integral, ******-in part of the crowd, and he will remain! And thus he deliberately avoids the limits of personal thought, his designated and reliable logical steps!
And the incorrigible would be further aggravated by the consistent laws of indestructible Humanism: Like being on fly paper, a small billion people would be trampled by foolishly successful, animal irresponsibility! "Why is there still the knowledge that I'm still scared?" "Would I ask Reality: people who are considerate, patient, and conscious?"
What could we have ruined? I wonder where we may have made a mistake, and it is just unfortunate that in our infectious obsession, we have finally forgotten the Causal Relationships! The age of intrepid beasts, egoistic monkeys, Gorillas imagined as Adonis, emerging jampecs suachs - fearful - has long since arrived, and only man's self-belief, prudence, allows for universal Moral values,
if we consciously sink into the mud from there, measured by the standard of humanism, we can leave with our heads raised!