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Jun 2020
Self conflicted and disturbed, all thoughts pass through my mind with vengeance and misery, trying to control this hate growing inside and killing all part of emotion like a scythe through the grass and a flame eating away the dryness of this life, never knowing the pain and guild that was inflicted to ones mind and soul.
I am a hate breather, negative eater and just all parts of chaos that make all the more sense in a world which only knows conflict and has no brain, pondering why things are as they are, are not questions to be asked in this world, do so and be branded to unknown one, for now and always... A negative eater and wishful peace of mind is a complexity of the wise and a curse to the unknown one...
controle the anger
Iljano lepelblad
Written by
Iljano lepelblad  32/M/Greece
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