They lie in deep slumbers Under the covers Safe and sound Dreaming of things far beyond the ground
Waking up in the morning Getting dressed and ready for work Just for that little paycheck, listen to the warning Brew and drink the coffee, let it give a little perk
Get on the uniform Drive off to work Park and run in Join in the swarm Of phone calls and shuffling papers Or loud machines and swift feet All dreaming of the same thing;
Something better Something that pays more To live a better life To give their husbands, wives, And children all better lives
To be greater than this To do better than their current hand Earn themselves something better For themselves Or their families To just enter some kind of bliss
Take a stand, give them a hand As they reach from the ground Building their way up to the clouds To be where they dream to be In the sky - in their dream sky.
- Jay M May 29th, 2020
The purpose of this poem is to display the hard workers, starting out so small and working a job for a small paycheck, dreaming of earning more for a better life (whether it be for themselves, or their families).
I hope you enjoyed reading this piece- dream big, and reach for the stars! Not even the sky is the limit!