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Roger Turner - Poet
May 2020
all the wild horses
i looked out at the weather
the clouds were moving fast
Winter was incoming
The season would not last
With fences needing mending
And cattle still to ship
Winter would be early
I could feel it in my hip
Every morning I would get up
Stagger down to get a brew
The pain was getting worse now
I'd lost a step or two
My daughter told me "Daddy"
"You need to see to that"
I'd grumble at her, smile
Then take my coffee and my hat
I'd go outside and wait some
Look out north for there I'd see
The last great wild pony
He's a stubborn one like me
I've chased him round these hill for years
Caught him once or twice
But, no one here could break him
No matter how we rolled the dice
He runs a herd of forty
I just let them go their way
I see them in the hills sometimes
And that's where I'll let them stay
There's other wild horses
Running round here that we chase
But, his...we let them venture
We let all forty have their space
Time has slowed me up some
It's got to him, I know as well
His is just from aging
Mine is where I fell
I was chasing wolves up on the ridge
They'd been running round the ranch
My horse slipped up and threw me
I landed sideways on a branch
I heard the pop and felt the pain
A searing burn through me
Beside me, lying helpless
My horse looked up at me
I did just what I had to
One swift shot between the eyes
Now, there I was out lying
A broken hip and ****** thighs
I'm not sure how when it happened
By rights I should have died
But, somehow, I can't tell you
That lone pony saved my hide
He saw me lying helpless
Knew the wolves were there as well
He took off once he saw me
Left his herd right where I fell
They walked in a tight circle
Kept me safe right where I lay
He took off to get assistance
His herd, knew they should stay
Like I said, I don't remember
How long I was lying in that space
But, I remember waking up and
I saw with him, a friendly face
They told me he wreaked havoc
Broke the fence down at my place
Kicked a fuss enough up
Then led my ranch hands on a chase
They chased him till they had him
This pony wild and free
He brought them to his herd of horse
He brought them out to come save me
He kicked the ground and whinnied
Looked at me, to say ok
The men loaded me up with them
I'd live to see another day
Fifteen years have passed since
I see him up there on the hills
While I sit outside just watching
The pain, it's helped some by my pills
A thousand wild horses
Well, for certain...forty one
Couldn't drag me to a doctor
Not while I can see the sun
He's a stubborn one that pony
Comes around I think to show
He ain't gonna go before me
And, I think he's right you know
My daughter keeps on trying
And I love to hear her try
But all the wild horses
Wouldn't even let me die
He's a part of me I guess now
Just like I'm of him of course
This stubborn limping cowboy
And that stubborn wild horse
Written by
Roger Turner - Poet
Roger Turner - Poet
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