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Jun 2013
You steady your aim
**** back, ready to fire
Phasers set to brimstone
You're someone I admire
But with all the destruction you bring
You never allow a chance for wings
No, you throw your potential away

I found myself at the bottom of the river
Waiting and more than ready for a touch
What is gold when the soft embrace of silver
Is enough to help you out in times of need
Always was second best, unlike you
Never came out less than best
In my own head, at least you know it's true

Fell into the dirt, had trouble rising up
You were there looking down to me
But you'd never allow me the luxury
To hear, to feel, not even to see
You keep me blinded
So deaf and dumb
And I can't find it
I'll never know if I won
Written by
John  28/M/New York
(28/M/New York)   
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