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Jun 2013
Love is like a Rain
That suddenly appears of nowhere
That suddenly changes your entire life
A rain that wraps with soft voice as well as sadness

                                                        ­ Love is like a river
                                                Always flows from you
                                            You dont need to touch 
        But always embraces you when you are alone

Love is like a mountain
You reach the highest thing or experience that you less expect

                                                 Love is like a spot light
                                      The one that shines so bright
                                               And there I saw YOU

Love is like a wind
It blows and appears in front of you
Out of somewhere else

                                            Love is like a sip of coffee
                      When you just relax at the coffee shop
There's a mystery that blooms around your table

Love is like a thorn of roses
You always end up hurting yourself
But in just ordinary day
There's someone who will comfort you out of the blue
               ­                      Love is like a piece of puzzle
                       You always struggle if you can't fix it
     But when you know you are falling you always   
                                         end up smiling for a reason

Love is like a puzzle
You like and love two persons
You end up confusing your mind
But have you realize the most important person
with you is just next to you?

                        ­                                Love is like a derp
                                           You like to do silly things
      Someone makes you laugh and happy out of a                      
                                  reason that it made your day

Love is like a big crap
You are stupid falling in love

                                           Love is like an ice cream
                                 You need to lick it before it melt

Love is like a mosquito
Once it bites you
You can never escape it

Love is like a handkerchief
Someone held you a hand while you are weeping and sobbing
So destiny comes and save you 

Love is Patient

Love is kind

Love is sad

Love is painful

Love is bitter and a sweet memories

Love is a happiness to be found

Cause Love is **Y.O.U.
Written by
jerely  Japan
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