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May 2020
There is no reason anymore,
for us to be together.
I count my footsteps till the door,
my neck feels strangled by a tether

It’s getting difficult to breathe,
my vision blurs all of a sudden,
I get so anxious bite my teeth,
I feel as though I’m in the oven.

You stay still and just surrender,
as I fall and hurt myself.
Feeling as if I’m the offender,
how can you just forgive yourself?

You told me lies you’ve set up plots,
Scenarios movies dramas and films.
You’ve tied my heart in endless knots,
you’ve stitched my wounds with endless quilts.

It will be so hard to forgive you,
but I will give it my biggest shot.
Won’t even try to just deceive you,
this is the lesson that you’ll be taught.
Finally after a long time give and take, something that rhymes!! Hehe xD
Written by
Adonis Yerasimou  26/M/Limassol, Cyprus
(26/M/Limassol, Cyprus)   
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