Entitled By my rights as a 4g internet StraightTalk subscriber 3 gbs data unlimited A month Duly paid up And my neighbor Who allows me wifi Pro bono Gave me the password Along with my inalienable Rights to free speech And my inability to keep My mouth shut Have, Formed this imperfect, but, Good as it gets, union To comment like An expert On the political doings As well as public health Issues Facing each And every one of us Using quotations from The bible as well as youtube videos Facebook posts occasionally, local news, To educate dumb ***** Incapable of forming logical Conclusions. I take it as a duty to Inform them what ***** Means Asking, You have no mirror? Questioning The prevalence of inbreeding In their genes, Along with their cable Subscriptions, Asking, they don't give you a discount? All you watch is FOX news. I relegate the important issues, Such as, Global warming, windmills, COVID cures corporate bailouts, who's WHO and the interest in who hideied KIM The leader of Korea To those who have time. Like our leader. He is awake all night Fighting for Our future.