just because I lay my bones out dry for everyone to see that I feel things more than they ever thought I could doesn’t make me special doesn’t make me unique does make me something good or make my words a grandiose speech- it may show that I’m week maybe humble maybe showing that I stumble on my broken feet but why on earth would you take advice from someone who’s foundation is defeat.
the truth is that we’re all hopeless to some extent, relating to something sad, something as empty as we feel we like to feel something that seems real something real to us something we can see something that we can look and and see ourself reflecting back perfectly. but when has taking your time to look in the mirror for an extra half hour looking at your blemishes, your skin decaying, you imperfect features, the shame lying inside your eyes, the unshaven neck, and your unkempt hair ever brought you to any new place any new hope, or is it still the same- and that’s just how it goes when the only thing you can look up to is a reflection that you hate to see hate to be hate to remind yourself that that is you hate to remind myself that that is me.
thank God that I have a foundation not built on myself on my own personal hell and that although sometimes there’s comfort in knowing your pain is felt by someone else true comfort is found by someone who can overcome the pain someone who can overcome the mundane day to day the pimples the **** and all other things- still helping me to not look at myself so much but to place my hand in his and walk away.