What is weird? Is it when a girl decides to get a buzz cut Or when a boy wants to wear long hair? Is weird when we stop creating rules That keep the harsh gender barriers alive What is weird? Is it when your son comes home And tells you he found a guy that he loves Or is it when your daughter tells you That she loves a girl? What is weird? Is it when a person dyes their hair, And shaves it into a mohawk? Is it when a person wears spiked clothing That is a defense from society's hard fists? Is weird when a four-year-old child is worried about a job Because they have seen what it has done to adults? Is it weird when children hide their feelings Because of hate from other students Or is it weird When students are terrified to go to school Because we are afraid of it being shot up? Is it weird when people are afraid to go out Because people are getting shot at concerts And getting bombed at their place of worship? Or is it weird that we don't cry anymore When we go to sleep at night Because when we were growing up We were desensitized To war And violence And people who never accept That we are people Whether you lean right or left! We are people Whether you like the same *** Or nobody at all, Because in the end We are all people!
I just want to remind people, that no matter what we let define us. Stop the hate people! It's not fair what we are doing to our youth! What we are turning these people into. Stay safe everyone!