How could taking two little white pills every morning slowly but surely resolve eight years of major depression ameliorate symptoms that strangle the mind and spirit, destroying self-worth, competency, basic functionality.
Despite a set-back of a month of unstable, barely restrained suicidal thoughts, whole-heartedly consuming every minute of conscious thought and shattering already severely fragmented sleep, the only repose from the onslaught of endless thoughts each one affirming deservance and supplying means to an end.
The vile depression, mind-warping, heart-marring, shape-shifting, perspective-rearranging, adapting to every new environment, clawing its nightmare-grip further into my chest day after day, haunting me even in its remission: the depression was sinister.
Body and brain scarred and healing, starved synapses react, a regiment of medicine, taxing-thought, and long-scarce love, but indisputably vital: taking two little white pills every morning slowly but surely resolves eight years of major depression.