They were innocent The ones who walked this path before me The ones who never did any wrong Who committed no sin 'Do what ye will but harm none'
They were the ones who loved the earth Listened to the cries of the wind and the heartbeat of the sky Saw the dawn kiss the night sky goodbye And how the moon would watch over them all The ones who fell in love with all of Earth's mysteries
The ones who loved to heal Who cherished all life, and wasted none The ones who saw everything and nothing Who ran with the rain And sang to the storms Who thanked the crops and respected the Earth The ones who wrote in runes And spoke in code To save our craft and protect our herbs
They were stripped of dignity, but not of pride Dropped into the water but embraced by the gaurdians of the West, resting in defiance on the surface of the sea They burned their bodies, but not their souls They wounded their flesh, but not their will And like a Phoenix, they rose again Reborn more powerful, more proud
If again we must, again we shall No longer will we hide our pride Our symbols, our spells, our rituals, our magic No longer shall we fear the ones who do not love the earth we live upon The ones who burned our brothers and sisters out of hate and refused to understand The ones who slaughter the land and do not value all the life that exists together For we are witches who honor our past and rise together as a Phoenix, rising from the ashes of the ones who crumbled so we could soar