I remember this movie when I was young That moved me beyond tears Ain't it funny how I still remember that After all these many years
It had no stars that were famous That it could brag upon There were actually only four players But very skillfully focused on only one
I remember the film was in black and white Color would just get in the way Of the true meaning of this mans story And what it was they had to say
It was about a Confederate solider A loser in his war About to be hung from off a bridge The film never did say what for
In fact I don't remember any words Ever being said That hits me now as being strange More than it ever has
His hands were tied behind his back With the noose around his neck As they pushed him over the bridges side To what I felt was certain death
The rope ran towards its deadly course But snapped in half under the strain Next shot was of the solider swimming away As the bullets around him rained
He walked for days through angry woods Till he came to a dirt road Ahead of him a Southern Mansion As the story it unfolds
On the front porch waiting for her love The sweetest of Southern Belles The love you saw between them both No spoken words could ever tell
As he approached the steps with just two left His love held out her hands That's when his head snapped back as the rope around his neck Reached its final end
I've been informed by my friend Higgs AKA Mr.History that the name of this film is "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" Thank you Higgs!