He knelt before the idol - willingly Head down, eyes closed - he mutters Call it the calm before the storm He begs for his life then strolls off to claim another's. Flickering candle- one of many, stands homage to his faith.
The smaller candle to the left Testifies the faith of a quite young one With a grin on her face - she lists her wish-of-the-day She hopes for the test, her bestie and her come first But if push comes to shoves, she adds: "It's always me first."
The smallest of all yet the dirtiest of them all- Burns ever so slowly-hides the prayer of a mother Fighting battles all on her own. She fights and she loses. Her baby cries for milk; her body craves for the kick She hopes for a miracle - some quick money for a fix.
There was one -Β Β the longest candle of all I could only wonder the reason for this install. Is it a gratitude token or a way for prayers to reach faster? Or does the longest burning candle have its prayers fulfilled first? Just then the wind blew;
The tallest one flickered and the rest followed through, But all the candle lighters were on their way Waiting for their own miracles - they went their way Holding tightly to their faith, Faith as small as a mustard seed.