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Jan 2020
Darkened in the deepest depth
The fall from grace, unspoken yet,
The plunge to that which cannot tithe
Shall witness pain as we two writhe.

And writhe do we, in a sodium sea
Where absent friends must absent be
While salacious means be met
Embodied deep in Capulet.

Sought in songs of distant bells
Immersed in retribution Hells,
Cauterized by that which turns
While contradiction flays and burns.

Imprisoned by this blackest depth
By compromise, untried as yet,
The gauntlet thrown, they challenge we
To claw beyond a storm wracked sea.    

A  glance and then our pale lips meet
Though ner'e before, a kiss so sweet
Tho counteracting quests' dark prize
Creates belief in bright young eyes.

In Capulet on sunlit sea
The promise seeps exquisitely
Enabling when reluctance flows
The will to countermand the blows.

Tranquil waters ebb and flow
To wash the golden sands aglow,
Seabirds flock in noisy scree
In Capulet on sunlit sea.

28 January 2020
Marshal Gebbie
Written by
Marshal Gebbie  79/M/"Foxglove",Taranaki, NZ
(79/M/"Foxglove",Taranaki, NZ)   
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