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Jan 2020
Deep dope soul
You are so much more
Than some guy i know
You’ve taught me so much
About myself
You helped me grow
You may be the one true
Love I’ll ever know
Through your eyes I saw
a glimpse of a girl
I was long ago
Even though you can’t be mine
I can’t let you go
I’ve seen the love in your eyes
That you try to hide
And keep pushed down inside
I don’t think I’d even know
What to do with it
If you were to express your feelings
I think it would be too much
But here I am longing
For your touch
I don’t know what I want
It’s so overwhelming yet comforting,
I try not to love you but it’s a fight
Can we be together every night?
I swear this will be it
We could be the ones
You’ll have too much of me
And then not give a ****
But hours later you’ll cross my mind
We always wish for one more time
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