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Apr 2013
I don't think it's right for anyone to tell a person to avoid family
A person should be the only one who makes that discussion
Sometimes they make mistakes
Other times they embarrass you
Blood is thicker than water
The family blood beats through your heart
You may not agree or see eye to eye
Loving one another is an agreement that should bring you close
Family looks out for you even at times it feels they are against you
The heart tells you to fo what's right
while the mind explores new ideas and emotions
You will always be loved by family even though they might hurt because they don't know how to express themself
Unite on holidays so one another love
Life gets you so busy you forget those close to you
Family strength and family judge all they want is the best for you
Infamous one
Written by
Infamous one
   Jodi, R, r l, Joshua Dougan and Clarisa
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