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Apr 2013
She was up to eyes in deception and lies
and yet I was blind.
Kind friends had informed me
forewarned me of her treachery
but I could not see
that she was having me on
stringing me along like a dog on a lead.

She played the part well and I couldn't tell
what was true
what was not.
And how could I know that the status quo was in fact
the state of woe I found myself in.

If I had been more vigilant
less hesitant to believe what was said
I could have got her out of my head
by now
but to live in the dreams where the girl that you love
seems to love you as well
is maybe worth a bit of Hell
on Earth.

She's gone now
left me and somehow
I survive.
but I still see her eyes every time some one tries
to get close.
John Edward Smallshaw
Written by
John Edward Smallshaw  68/Here and now
(68/Here and now)   
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