The vague moonlit visage of her eternally beautiful face was burned into my mind.
I remember it all, especially the eyes. She was smiling a ventriloquist's smile. Her face may have been a summer sun's smile, but her eyes were a winter moon's sobs.
I want to help her more than my pride would ever let my mouth admit.
It stabbed me, like a rose's thorn. Her immaculate facade wrapped me in silky petals then stabbed me with those desolate eyes.
I still believe that if I lost my sight, and saw her no longer, I would still see her that night.
Trash? Probably. But I'm trash too so it evens out. Love is weird man. Also, I'm still writing a bunch of poems a day, I'm just not posting some because A: I'd rather not, and B: I post a lot, so I thought I should post less.