They'll tell you you can do anything you want to But that's not the truth I can't fly to the moon Or **** the demons that live in my chest
I can't rid myself of the dark clouds that surround me Or quell the fire of anxiety that burns in my stomach
I live a life enslaved by her wounds on my psyche It is a chasm I am afraid to cross but cannot afford to stagnate
If you look down, you will falter And into the jaws of the monsters you shall fall
Only to be lysed away and forgotten.
Your smile will be the first to fade Then the shine inside your eyes You will go gray, and cold Wrapped in infinite sweaters; a body in hiding
You will forget how it feels to laugh, to grow Then the warmth across your skin You will forget how life feels without the bites As your cells fall apart
You will fall and crumple to the red dirt Unable to find the strength to lift yourself up and clean yourself off
Eventually you will become nothing But an abstract coil of love and passion From a body that is no more
But your heart shall bear the damage and never cease to beat again
Even after the beast has swallowed you up And you've become one with the monster's jaws