One day no one will look at you anymore Those hopeful, surreptitious glances at the coffee shop That brave young man's naive attempts to get your attention, little knowing that he's biting off more than he can chew You won't feel their eyes watching you as you walk across the room They won't offer to help with your bags or step aside for you at the escalator or staircase (if not for the sake of chivalry then at least so they can watch you climb the stairs) They won't try to dance with you in the club And no one will applaud as you leave, in pure appreciation of having watched you dance without an agenda Some day you will need an agenda You'll need a reason at all times They will no longer entertain you just because You'll be asked to justify your existence and to earn the privilege of their company And you will shrink into yourself You will retire from their blind gaze Their unseeing eyes They will not notice you They will not care It. will. hurt. More than now More than the overload of attention Because one thing worse than too much attention whether positive or negative or just plain curiosity - Is being ignored And even worse - being invisible Being aware that you take up more space than they think you deserve And trying to shrink to fit into the social recycle bin that is reserved for 'unattractive', 'ordinary', and 'childless' women over forty Just waiting it out until you find a cause or some miracle..worthy of becoming your legacy A final shot at being remembered..
Just some perspective.. no offense meant to anyone..this is how I perceive the prevalent social attitude.