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Dec 2019
To Become English Citizens It's Been ... " Alleged " ...
Some Women Are Willing To ... S P R E A D Their Legs ... !!!    
I Guess You Really Can't Blame Them ... !?!      
" Lunar House " ... Down There In Croydon ...    
A Centre Used For Immigration ...    
Has Got Some Staff Pulling A Scam ... !!!    
UGLY Folk DON'T Have A Chance ...    
Their Passport Photos Get NO STAMP ... !!!!    
They're STUCK On Walls ... !!!    
So Staff Can JOKE About Their Hopes .....    
of ..... " Coming In " .....    
While ...  
PRETTY Faces Get Their Places ...    
Visas YES ... For ****** Favours ... !!!!!    
Europeans and Brazilians ...  
Are Dealt With ... BEFORE Indians ...    
So ... Heaven Help Poor Africans ... !!!!!      
Unless They're WHITE Then They're ALRIGHT ... !!!!    
Once They're Prepared To ... S P R E A D Their Thighs ...    
DON'T Be Surprised If Some Are Guys ... !!!    
Gay People ... Are Now NOT SHY ...    
Security Checks ...  
Come ... SECOND To *** ... !!!!!    
It's NOT Just Men In TERRORIST Sects ... !!!!!    
BNP Man Like Those Within The Ku Klux **** ...    
Are NOT ALL Gay ... Some Like Woman ... !!!    
That's Bound To Get Racists ... UPSET ... !!!!!    
But ... " American History X  "...    
Showed ... Who They *** ...      
When Those Within Start To DEFECT ... !!!!!    
So Mister McNulty ...    
Something SMELLS ... FUNNY ... !!!!!    
He's ... " Home Office Minister " ...    
Your Staff Are ... " Allegedly " ...    
................. SINISTER .............. !!?!!    
WHO Told Them To Administer ... ?    
Their Duties ... Based On Double D's ... !?!    
Or Basically ... For ****** Deeds ... ?    
I'm Saying What's Your Policy ... ?  
To Simply Spread ****** Disease ...    
If Girls Like These Will Spread Their Knees ... ?!?    
What Will They Do To Make Money ... !?!    
Lapdance In Clubs And ... " Such and Such " ...    
Girls Like These You CANNOT TRUST ... !!!!!    
****** PLEASERS For A VISA ... !!!    
PROSTITUTION ... Is Their KEEPER ... !!!    
Or .... Is IT ... !?!    
Once They're In ...  
Will They RESIST ... Using Their Bits ... ?!?    
"Not likely mate !" ...    
They've Found Their Trade ... !!!    
Getting Paid For Getting Laid ...      
So ... "WHERE THEY AT ... !?!?!"    
I Hear You Say ...    
Where QUICK CASH Is ... !!!  
Turning TRICKS For Mister **** ...    
And Licking ***** For Mrs. RICH ... !!!!    
Just For CASH So They Can Live ... !!!    
How Could Your Workers Be SO SICK ... !?!?!    
Have Things Now REALLY Come To THIS ... ?!?!?    
Or Is This How It's ALWAYS BEEN ... ?!!!?    
Well His -  Story ...  
Proves ... " Colour Screens " ...    
Have Clouded ... Immigration Dreams ...      
But Now Because You're Deemed ... UGLY ... !!!!!    
WHO Makes THAT CALL ... ?!?  
She's Beautiful And Usable ...    
And Then Decides To Spread Her Thighs ... ?!?      
WHO On Earth ... Recruits THESE GUYS ... ?!?    
That's A JOKE ... !!!    
I'm NOT A Bloke Who Would COERCE ...    
Just For *** With ... " Pretty Girls " ... !!!?!!!    
Girls Like These Have S.T.D's ...    
And Nowadays Are Spreading A.I.DS ... !!!!!    
So Minister What Do You Say ... ?    
"An inquiry of course, yes, RIGHT AWAY !"  
"Okay, that's great !"    
Isn't It A BIT LATE ...    
To Ask HOW MANY Have Been Laid ...      
And ... WHO In Your Crew ... DISCRIMINATES ... ?!?!?    
You'll Do The USUAL ... " Cover Up " ...    
UNLIKE These Women ...    
With NICE CUPS And **** Bums ... !!!!!    
And Those Who've Made ...    
Your Workers ... " Ummmmm " ... !!!!!!!    
Comply To Try Guidelines Designed ...    
To KEEP The ... UGLY Ones In Line ...    
And KEEP Your Country's Race ... STREAMLINED ... !!!      
By KEEPING Whites ...    
At The ... TOP of The PILE ...    
That's NOTHING NEW We Know Your Style ... !!!    
As These Girls KNOW How LOW You'll Go ... !!!!!!!!    
CAN'T They Just CHARM A Pretty Girl ... ?!?    
WITHOUT The Need To ... TWIST Their Arm ... !?!      
Well ... As I've Said It's CASH They Want ...    
Immigration Staff CAN'T Be On Much ...    
To FORCE Women To Give Them FUN ... !!!    
But As I've Said ...    
What In Turn Happens To MEN ... !?!?!    
Do They End Up In Bed With Them ... ?      
Those EMPLOYED By Government ... ?!?!?    
That's A ... DANGEROUS Question ... !?!    
So Let's Leave THAT To Your Newsmen ...      
And See What's SHOWN On .... News At Ten .... !!!    
This Poem's DONE  ... !!!    
Writing This ... Has Been Quite FUN ... !!!    
But NOT As Much As Welcoming ...      
****, Pretty Young Women ...    
Into Your Bed Cos They're IMMIGRANTS ... !!!!!    
Who Having Kissed And Slowly Licked ...    
DESPERATE Workers ... For SICK KICKS ... !!!!    
Do This To Hear ...    
" COME IN, COME IN ... "
On the basis of BREXIT, and BoJo's election win, had to post this poem, as this not only made me chuckle when I wrote it, but even moreso' now ...

As it looks like a multitude of things, will have to be done now,
by foreigners wanting the right to stay in the UK !
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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